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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Young Mansquito

Browsing the interwebs today I came upon a movie produced by The Salvation Army.  The movie was called A Time to Love.  The movie follows a homeless man and how The Salvation Army helps him.  I will skip the details of the movie and get to the good part...Me.  Feel free to watch the movie.  It is very heartwarming OR skip through the video to exactly 23:00 minutes and watch one of the finest performances in the history of low budget film.

That's right it is me playing a young James David Donaldson.  Since then I have spent the vast fortune I made from this movie and I'm currently enjoying my retirement.  Granted the only people that I think have seen this movie are my family and probably thousands of homeless people around the country.  I hope you enjoyed my 30 seconds of fame.  Woods out.

1 comment:

  1. Low budget?! You think that's low budget? You should hang sround some of my client companies sometime.
