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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to Request Footage In most states, these types of footage are largely considered public governmental record. This means you have a right to submit a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request for this footage from the police department and to receive it in a timely manner. First you need to notify the police that you want the footage preserved and you need to be specific about arresting officer, have a badge number if possible, give the time, date, location etc. This notice should be in writing and sent via fax, certified mail or some other way to prove delivery of the notice. Contact the police department to determine who specifically should receive the request. While most states give you the right to request dash-cam footage, radio tape and other video from police as an individual, it is highly recommended that you obtain a good lawyer who can represent you and navigate this process on your behalf as it can be tricky. Especially if you are facing criminal charges. For instance: It is often necessary to first and foremost request that the tape be preserved. Dash cam tapes have a habit of being unavailable when the pre trial hearing comes to court. A lawyer can write a letter to make the DA and the police preserve the tape as evidence. Even if you can get the footage on your own you probably won’t’ know what to do with it or how to present it so that it can be used in your favor. This is a lawyers job. Request to preserve radio tapes may have to go through the County rather than the local PD or State Police.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Young Mansquito

Browsing the interwebs today I came upon a movie produced by The Salvation Army.  The movie was called A Time to Love.  The movie follows a homeless man and how The Salvation Army helps him.  I will skip the details of the movie and get to the good part...Me.  Feel free to watch the movie.  It is very heartwarming OR skip through the video to exactly 23:00 minutes and watch one of the finest performances in the history of low budget film.

That's right it is me playing a young James David Donaldson.  Since then I have spent the vast fortune I made from this movie and I'm currently enjoying my retirement.  Granted the only people that I think have seen this movie are my family and probably thousands of homeless people around the country.  I hope you enjoyed my 30 seconds of fame.  Woods out.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2012 Super Bowl Ads

Just uploading the Super Bowl Ads as I get the links for them.  Feel free to share my blog on your Facebook.

Matthew's Day Off (Honda)

Overweight Dog (VW)

Mr. Quiggly (Sketchers)

#2 Seinfeld (Acura)

Fatherhood (E-Trade)

Apocalypse (Chevy)

Uncle Jesse Tease (Dannon)

Reinvented (Toyota)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

William "Moses" Wallace - Spielberg to helm Braveheart style Moses film

It is all but confirmed by Steven Spielberg himself that he will be directing an epic film that will take us through the entire life of Moses.  "Gods and Kings" is expected to traverse his entire life from birth to death and include him leaving his adopted home in Egypt, forming an army, returning for his people and receiving the Ten Commandments.  

While this may sound boring to some, it should be noted that reports indicate Spielberg plans for the tone to be more like “Braveheart”, depicting Moses as a 'Warrior of God' rather than the shepherd we all remember from past movies.  I'm expecting a “Ten Commandments” meets “Braveheart” meets “Saving Private Ryan” sprinkled with a little bit of “Gladiator”.  

Spielberg, who just finished filming “Lincoln”, still has one picture to film (“Robopocalypse”) before "Gods and King", but you can be sure that if he moves forward on this, it will be the most epic biblical film we have ever seen. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

$600 toilet seat

In today's world it is hard to think of spending $600 on anything except a house payment but at The Consumer Electronics show $600 can get you the newest smartphone, tablet or toilet seat?  Introducing the Swash 1000 smart toilet seat!  Not only is the guy heated but he has a bidet.  That's right!  Never buy toilet paper again!  The adjustable jet stream can be moved to accommodate it's user.  Not only can you adjust the position of the stream but the temperature anywhere from 85 to 100 degrees.  There is also a 2nd bidet for the front parts for the ladies and for the guys ehhh I guess you can have the cleanest ball sack on the block.  Read more at Gizmodo

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Teaser

Dexter will return for his sixth season on October 2, 2011 on Showtime bringing in some big new names and all the familiar faces we are dying to see.  One new character will be Colin Hanks (Orange Country) playing a man named Travis.  I like Colin Hanks he has potential to be a neat character especially if he turns out to be a bad guy.  That's not all we also havEdwards James Olmos (William Adama in Battlestar Gallactica) and Mos Def (Be Kind Rewind, 16 Blocks) joining in on the fun this season.  Mos will be playing Brother Sam and ex-con turned Reverend.  After watching the promo below you may understand why I think we will see quite a but of Mos Def this season.  

In related news Michael C. Hall has said he doesn't see Season 6 as being the final season for Dexter.  So all you crazed Dexties can relax.
I could go on to give you and idea of where this season is headed but I will let the one minute teaser do it's job of teasing you.  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

5 New Must See TV Shows This Fall!

Tired of being the last to know about that great show everyone is watching?  I'm here to get you in the know with my predictions of The Best New Shows for Fall 2011.  I have looked at the new Fall lineups for the major networks this week and, I must say, I'm getting very excited!  You will be too after you check out these trailers.

I'm putting my reputation on the line for these 5 trailers that I have hand chosen to be hits this Fall.  I will start with my favorite and work my way down.  If you like this post make sure to pass the link along Twitter and Facebook at the bottom.  Also send me feedback of what posts you like the most so I can provide you with the best information.  Thanks for visiting!

J.J. Abrams is one of the best when it comes to drama and mystery.  This show is no different.  Alcatraz is his newest that seems to be reaching out again to fans of Lost with a new mystery involving time travel, disappearances, and of course an island.  I guess this guy just has a thing for islands and since it is my top pick I guess I do too.  This show will not be this fall but in mid-season on FOX.  More than likely January 2012.

In a VERY close second I give you Awake a drama from NBC that has the potential to be the best new show this Fall.  A cop, after a serious car accident involving his family, begins to live two separate versions of reality.  The trailer says it all and people who have seen the pilot episode said it is phenomenal.

Coming in third is my sleeper pick this Fall and let me tell you it looks Bad Ass!  Why?  Not many know that Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, Inception) has a brother and he is an amazing writer.  Not only did Jonathan Nolan help write the screenplays for Inception and The Dark Knight he wrote and original story titled Memento.  The same story Christopher used to make the movie that propelled his Hollywood status to A list.  Now Jonathan gets his hands into television with help from CBS in the action/drama titled Person of Interest starring an old Lost-ee.  Benjami...uh...I mean....Michael Emerson.  As you watch the next trailer you may start to see a trend in my picks.  They all seem to involve mystery and/or a little sci-fi.  I think networks are taking a page from the J.J. Abrams school of TV.

Next from Steven Spielberg...what... Spielberg?  The man that always has a full schedule has been very active in the television industry as of late.  Smart move if you ask me knowing the state of the economy more people are likely to watch TV at home than go to the cinemas.  Falling Skies takes place six months into a full-scale alien invasion of Earth.  The aliens are well armed and would seem that we have already lost.  But as we all know it takes just one uplifting, patriotic, humanity-uniting speech from someone standing on a soapbox to get us humans ready to whoop some alien ass.  With Spielberg at the helm TNT may have something going here.  Besides, They Know Drama.

Finally, this ones for the ladies.  Actress, Singer and all around hottie Zooey Deschanel is getting a leading role in FOX's new comedy New Girl.  It has Zooey's character Jess moving in with three guys which at first seems like a sweet deal for them.  The three come to realize it may have not been the best choice.  This show reminds me a bit of Three Men and a Little Lady.  Just that the lady is ditsy, sometimes crazy, singing, Dirty Dancing watching nightmare of a roommate.

That is it folks.  My top 5 for this Fall.  These new dramas all seem to be trying to attract all the Sci-Fi lovers who may need a new mystery show.  Not a bad move by the networks who are looking to have a stellar Fall season.  Fire up those DVRs these shows are right around the corner.  Take care and thanks for reading!